Tuesday, July 22, 2008



EvolutioN said...

You should call it the "Aspiration for the Stealth"... :)

Nice, very nice! Mail coming your way soon... Had mailed you earlier... will mail again with new specs...



Unknown said...

Hey Akshai

Very Apt Caption.... If I remember correctly was it the same bike that u had at the Mumbai Auto show.. I remember me going thru that roller coaster emotion and deciding then that "Her Majesty" will be restored to her glory by ur hands !! :)

Unknown said...

dear akshay,

please upload a video of your bike update. desperately waiting for your new bikes....
hope to see you soon..... ciao.

Unknown said...

dear akshay i saw ur bikes on bike show after seeing i also want to modify my bullet 350 standard into a basic 2- seater choopern it should also affordable in price....... plz reply ur ideas n pricelist n pic of d bikes to kartikchoudhary428@gmail.com at d earliest

Unknown said...

that's called craze of bikes
Ur rocking Varde